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Mission Statement

The Cobra Cheer Booster Club shall provide financial and administrative support to the competitive cheerleading program and the teams, be good examples for our athletes by being courteous and respectful to other cheer parents, the coaches and staff, and all athletes, and to exhibit good sportsmanship at all times.



The Cobra Cheer Booster Club is being operated for the benefit of our athletes. In order that this operation is carried out properly, it is vital that the mission statement of the Cobra Cheer Booster Club be fully understood and supported by the parents. The organization can assist in the following ways:

· Maintain a bank account to help support the financial needs of Cobra Cheer (including competition room fees, uniform costs, choreography fees, etc.)

· Assist in fundraising to help pay for costs associated with team expenses.

· Stimulate team unity and communication.

· Assist in planning seasonal parties and activities.

· Assist with new athlete parent meetings.



This year we have decided to make our membership mandatory so that it includes all Cobra Cheer families. We felt that because every athlete benefits from the boosters, each family should contribute. Coaches are not permitted to be booster members/officers due to conflict of interest.

Membership dues are $10 per family for each team year.  Dues will be used for booster club activities.



The booster club’s main fundraiser that runs year-round is the gym’s concession stand. We sell healthy snacks, treats, water, apparel, and some other exciting products! We also hold other fundraisers from late fall through May. Individual fundraising runs from late May through fall so that individuals can raise money for their uniform costs, competition fees, etc.  We are always open to fundraising ideas, so feel free to contact us with suggestions!



  2015-16 SPONSORS  



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